Monday, June 8, 2009

Kedondong instead of Kepompong

Quote of the day:

"Persahabatan bagai KEDONDONG, kadang2 manis, kadang2 asem, kadang2 nyucuk.. "


Saturday, April 18, 2009

ketika Bokap gw kelilipan..

Eh, hari ini hari Sabtu, kan?? Hari penuh kebebasan buat gw.. Huhuhu.. Bebas ga mandi seharian (tapi sore2 biasanya 'terpaksa' mandi krn mau pergi..=p).. Bebas leyeh2 di kamar sambil ntn dvd/baca buku.. Bebas main sama peliharaan2 gw.. Dan yang paling penting, bebas balas dendam bangun siang bolong.. That's what I love the most about weekend..

Sayangnya hari Sabtu ini berbeda..

Pagi2 tadi, dikala gw sedang asik2nya berkelana di dunia mimpi.. Tiba2 gw kebangun gara2 di luar kamar gw berisik banget.. Suara Bokap gw bernada heboh ga tau ngomong sama siapa.. Nyokap gw nimpalin dikit2.. Duuuuhh.. Ada apa sih ini berisik bangettt.. Tutup kuping pake bantal, coba merem lagi.. Tiba2.. "Nisaaaaaaaaa.. Nisaaaaaaa.. Sini, Nis!!!", suara Bokap memanggil. Pengen pura2 ga denger sih tapi ntar dosa.. huehehe =p Bangun lah dari tempat tidur, kucek2 mata, buka pintu kamar, dengan mata kriyep2 nyamperin Bokap yang lagi duduk di sofa sama Nyokap..

Gw: "Iyaa.. kenapaa..?" Suara bantal mode : on.

Bokap: "Ini sini coba liatin nih di mata Aba' (panggilan buat bokap_red) ada apaan?? Kayak kelilipan kemasukan apa nihh.."

Gw: "Hmmmhh.. Iyaaa" Masih setengah merem.

Nyokap: "Gak tau tuh, tadi sih udah mama liatin ga ada apa2, Singgih (karyawan bokap) juga udah disuruh liatin kayaknya ga ada apa2 deh.."

Yasudah coba lah gw mengangkat2 kelopak mata kanan bokap mencari harta karun.. Huehehe... Ga ada apa2 sih, at least sepenglihatan mata gw yang jelas2 bukan dokter, apalagi dokter mata.

Gw: "Gak ada apa2, kok.."

Bokap: "Ah gak mungkin, coba liat lagi yang bener!"

Laahh.. Gimana ini.. Yaudah coba liat lagi.. Kali ini di teras belakang biar lebih terang di bawah sinar matahari.. Tetep gw ga liat apa2..

Gw: "Ga adaaa.. Coba dicuci aja pake cairan pembersih mata.. Biar kotorannya keluar.."

Bokap: "Oh gitu yaa.. "

Langsung heboh nyuruh Singgih buat ke apotek beli cairan pembersih mata.. Panik kayak mau diserang pasukan sekutu yang diboncengi oleh NICA.. (ok ga nyambung, tiba2 gw inget pelajaran sejarah SD =p) Sementara itu gw bersiap balik ke kamar ngelanjutin tidur.. Ehhh.. Bokap gw berisiiiiikkk bangeettt.. Mondar-mandir ke seluruh penjuru rumah sambil ngedumel2..

Bokap: "ini gak mungkin nih kalo ga ada apa2.. pasti kemasukan sesuatu.."

Nyokap: "iyaaa..makanya udah tunggu aja cairan pembersih matanya.."

Gw: "iyaaa.." Mengangguk2.

Bokap: "coba kamu liat lagi, Nis.. Coba disapu dalem kelopaknya pake cotton bud.." Nyodorin cotton bud.

Gw: "He??? pake cotton bud???"

Bokap: "Iya udah cepetan diusapin gitu ke dalemnya, nanti kan kotorannya keangkat!" dengan nada gak sabar.

Gw (dalem hati): "Buseettttt.. ngeri amaaatttt.." *menelan ludah"

Gw: "ga mau ahh, serem.. ntar malah kenapa2.. cotton bud kan ga steril.. lagian nanti malah luka.. udah tunggu Singgih aja bawa pembersih mata.."

Bokap: "ini gak papa sini pake cotton bud!" Maksa.

Gw: "ga ahh ga mau sereem.. " Terus duduk di sofa samping nyokap.

Gw (bisik2) : "Ih, Aba' rewel banget sih klo sakit dikit aja.. hebohh.."

Nyokap (bisik2): "Iya tuh emang.. Lebay.. Ngalah2in anak kecil ajaa.."

Lalu kami berdua cekikikan..=p Sementara itu bokap masih panik mondar mandir sambil ngomel2 tentang matanya.. Kali ini sambil ngoceh2 kenapa si Singgih lama banget ga dateng2, padahal mah perginya juga baruuuu aja. Buset deh..

Akhirnya bokap gw ga sabar nunggu Singgih.

Bokap: "ayo anterin Aba' ke dokter mata!! Buruan!!!"

Gw: "Yaudah ayo.."

Langsung ke kamar mandi, cuci muka, gosok gigi, boro2 mandi..bisa2 kamar mandi gw di bom sama bokap gara2 dia ga sabar.. huehehhe..

Langsung cabcusss ke Jakarta Timur Eye Center di deket rumah gw.. Sepanjang jalan yang paling cuma brapa menit aja tuh baweeeel bgt bokap gw. Uring2an gitu. Pas nyampe parkiran RS nya penuh bgt, bokap ngomel2 lagi. Akhirnya dia turun duluan sementara gw cari parkir (yg mana akhirnya gw kena omel lagi krn katanya parkirnya kejauhan.. duhh.. nasiiibb nasiiibb.. emang RS nya punya gw apa gw boleh parkir seenaknya!?)

Hmmm.. Hasil dari ke dokter itu adalah mata bokap gw kemasukan kotoran doang, jadi cuman dibersihin aja n dikasih obat tetes mata gitu.. See, biasa aja kannn?? Padahal doi hebohnya udah kayak kebakaran jenggot.. Ckckckckck..

Dari RS, pulang ke rumah lewat jalan tikus biar lebih cepet, emang sih banyak polisi tidurnya.. Tp gw juga nyetir pelan2 aja gak begajulan.. Tiba2 kena lagi gw ama bokap yg lg rewel.

Bokap : "ah, cuma sebentar aja disetirin kamu Aba' udah mual gini.."

Gw : *SIGH* Dalem hati, "buseeettt.. kena lagiiiii.. perasaan dari sekian banyak nya orang yg gw setirin lwt jalan ini baik2 ajaaa.. sabaaarr.. sabaaaarr... he's in a crappy mood.. fiuhh.."

Sampe rumah bokap lgsg msk kamar terus tidur, capek kali ngomel2 dari pagi.. Huehehhe.. =p Nyokap langsung nyamperin gw dan berkasak-kusuk.

Nyokap: "sakit apa kata dokter mata nya??"

Gw: "cuma kemasukan kotoran doang.."

Nyokap: "tuh kannn.. gitu aja hebohnyaaaaa.." Geleng2 kepala.

Huahhh..rusak sudah kenikmatan tidur gw di sabtu pagi yang cerah gara2 bokap yang klo sakit dikiiiiiit aja hebohnya ampun2an.. Siapa yang nyangka kan klo liat sosok bokap gw yang badannya gede, tampak berwibawa (cenderung serem kadang2.. =p hehehe).. Ternyata mata kelilipan doang rewelnya kayak anak kecil.. Huhuhuhu..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

as blue as my fingertip.. ;)

Turns out I'm not THAT much of an apathetic..



1st Election Paper :
I voted for the one I had voted on the previous election..

2nd Election Paper :
I voted for one of the "newbies".. For the teeny tiny part of me that somehow is curious of what all the fusses are really about.. I hope I won't have to regret it in the future.. *fingers crossed*

3rd Election Paper:
I voted for the one my Dad actually had told me to.. Hahaha.. Since I got no idea at all.. So I figured, "yeah, why not.. spare me the trouble anyway" *grin*

4th Election paper:
I voted for my cat, Nonie, to be queen.. Haha.. Ok, there's no such thing..

That's it.. I voted.. And PRAY HARD.. For this so-called-chaotic country to get better, somehow..

Or if that's too much to ask, at least for it to not get any worse..

ps. Anywaaaays, can someone tell me how to get rid of this blue ink on my little finger??? It goes against my coolness.. hahahaha.. =p

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Love In The Time of Cholera - A Major Disappointment

Ok, gw bener2 bertanya-tanya.. Bagaimana sebuah film yang diadaptasi dari novel terkenal karangan penulis peraih Nobel, bisa jadi sangat sangat sangat mengecewakan??

Silakan sebut gw basi, tapi gw baru aja nonton film Love in The Time of Cholera yang diadaptasi dari novel berjudul sama hasil karya penulis Columbia peraih hadiah Nobel, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Novelnya sih gw lumayan suka.

Intinya novel ini bercerita tentang seorang pemuda (Florentino) yang jatuh cinta sama seorang gadis (Fermina) dari kelas sosial yang jauh di atasnya, dan karena 'beda kasta' itu lah cinta mereka ditentang ayah sang gadis yang akhirnya memilih menikahkan anaknya dengan seorang dokter tampan (Dr. Urbino) yang lebih 'sederajat' dengan keluarga mereka. Florentino yang tetap nggak bisa melupakan cintanya terhadap Fermina memilih 'mengobati' sakit hatinya dengan berpetualang dari satu wanita ke wanita lain (sampai ratusan wanita!) sambil menunggu berharap suatu saat suami Fermina akan meninggal dunia dan dia bisa mendapatkan cintanya itu. Dan finally, setelah 53 tahun, 7 bulan, dan 7 hari dalam penantian, Dr. Urbino, suami Fermina (yang udah jd nenek2 =p) meninggal, dan Florentino dan Fermina akhirnya bisa bersama2.

Pathetic ya? Hehe. Emang. Sinting? Tentunya. Tapi dengan rangkaian kata2nya Marquez dan caranya membangun cerita, gw harus mengakui walaupun pathetic dan sinting tapi cerita ini sangat2 romantis.. How long would you wait for love kali yaaa intinya.. Desperately romantic lah..

Tapi begitu di adaptasi jadi film.. Wow.. It's almost laughable!

Pertama, kelihatan bahwa film ini berusaha banget untuk jadi seperti aslinya, termasuk ke urut-urutan ceritanya dan gaya hiperbola ala Marquez. Menurut gw ini blunder banget, karena gaya bahasa novel jelas ga sama dengan film.. Dan tugas film lah buat memvisualisasikan kata2 yang ada di novel kan, bukan justru terus menerus mengutip kata2 di novel untuk membangun cerita..

Kedua, gw tau meringkas alur cerita selama setengah abad dari hampir 350 halaman novel menjadi sekitar 2 jam saja bukan perkara gampang, tapi karena film ini dibuat sangat 'patuh' terhadap alur ceritanya, jadi terkesan kayak nonton ringkasan cerita doang.. Emosi penonton gak kebangun sama sekali.. Seperti dipaksa untuk sedih, terharu, dll, tapi gak ada landasan yang kuat buat merasa seperti itu.. (Reaksi gw saat tokohnya nangis atau sedih adalah "He??? Lebaaayyy.." Huehehehe)

Ketiga, akting pemain-pemain utamanya ga ok.. Terlebih Javier Bardem, aktor Spanyol yang memerankan tokoh Florentino Ariza.. Duh!!!

Keempat, lousy make ups!!! Sumpah yaaa make up tokoh2nya ketika mereka bertambah tua itu jelekkkk bangetttt.. Berasa nonton sinetron-sinetron dalam negeri yang suka maksain pemain muda jadi kakek2 atau nenek2..

Padahal sutradaranya (seharusnya) cukup ok lho, Mike Newell, British Director yang menggarap beberapa film di antaranya Four Weddings And A Funeral, Mona Lisa Smile, Donnie Brasco, dan Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire. Bahkan skenario adaptasinya digarap sama Ronald Harwood, yang pernah meraih Oscar untuk skenario The Pianist!

Tapi kenapa oh kenapa filmnya jadi jelek beginiiii..?????

Satu2nya yang lumayan di film ini menurut gw adalah soundtracknya.. Hehehehe.. Coba dengerin Despedia yang dinyanyiin sama Shakira di sini. Terbukti lagu ini masuk nominasi Best Original Song - Motion Picture di Golden Globe 2008.

Udah ah.. cape juga ngoceh2 tentang betapa mengecewakannya film ini buat gw.. Semua ini murni pendapat gw aja loh.. Kalo ada yang setuju atau ga setuju ya silakan aja..

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The boy who jumped into a cathole.. =D

Last night I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the 2nd time with my mom (this time on dvd), and still found the movie's simply mind blowing.. The story is genius! But no, I'm not gonna talk about the movie..

It's about Ayush Mahesh Khedekar, the Indian child actor who played youngest Jamal Malik.. He's soooo cuteeee.. Last night, once again, I fell in love with this little guy..

How can anyone not fall in love with him..

Slumdog Millionaire owes some of its big success to this innocent lil' face!!

Oww.. look at him.. He's sooo adorable, isn't he??

With Rubiana Ali, who played youngest Latika, attending the 81st Oscar!

He's just too cute..

even when he's all covered with shit..* LOL..

Oww, Mammaaa.. Can we please go to the store and buy a lil brother for meeee.. I WANT ONE!!! I want one that's just like him, please!!! LOL.. Not that I don't have little brother.. In fact, I have two.. But they're not cute and sure as hell are NOT little anymore.. *shrug*

*) I found out later that the 'shit' was actually made of chocolate and peanut butter.. So I bet the little man had a lot of fun doing that scene.. Hehehe..

Friday, April 3, 2009



- Karen Roe (One Tree Hill) -

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

¡uʍop ǝpısdn s,ʇı ˙˙sssddoo

˙˙ɹǝʇɐן noʎ ǝǝs ¡ʍou pǝq oʇ ɟɟo

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Earth Hour '09!!!

Earth Hour 2009!

It's that time of the year again, guys! After an extremely, extremely successful EH 08, we will once again be "hosting" Earth Hour.

On March 28, 8:30pm your timezone, wherever you live on planet earth, simply switch off your lights for one hour!

For additional information click here;

Hope you will participate!!


My personal notes:

I have no doubt, the first Earth Hour was a good opportunity to draw attention to the need for energy efficiency.. But then somehow I think that the spread of Earth Hour derivative events have turned it into an excuse for people to feel good about suspending their bad consumption habits for an hour, then starting them up again.. :( *sigh*

This year, beside turning our lights off for an hour, how about we also use Earth Hour as an opportunity to make a permanent change to our energy consumption habits. It's not gonna be easy.. But we can at least try.. Earth loves us sooo much, let's love it back a lil bit more.. ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

sekarang tolong jelaskan..

kenapa saya harus membagi gelisah jiwa saya

pada sejalin ikatan yang simpulnya mengurai

pendar-pendar rasa yang terbawa angin

pada kata-kata saya

toh tak dapat terlihat oleh matanya yang nyalang

panas nafas saya yang menderu

pun tak dapat menyentuh lembut kulitnya

lantas kenapa saya harus terus meracau

melagukan risau, cita, dan perih

ketika risau saya tak tertangkap penglihatannya

ketika cita saya luput dari genggamannya

dan ketika perih saya tak tersentuh manis kecupnya

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guy "Phrases" (Translated) *wink*


1. He says: "I'm pretty much single."
He means: "I have a girlfriend, but you're hot."

2. He says: "We should hang out sometime."
He means: "I'm afraid you'll say no if I ask you out."

3. He says: "I'm not looking for a relationship."
He means: "I really just want to do you."

4. He says: "Shall we split the check?"
He means: "I'm not that into you."

5. He says: "Here's an idea: Why don't I just meet you at the restaurant?"
He means: "I'm not gonna pull out all the stops just yet, so I'm not picking you up at your place."

6. He says: "You're such a great friend."
He means: "I never want to date you."

7. He says: "How long was your last relationship?"
He means: "Are you up for a fling or looking for something long-term?"

8. He says: "I'm still getting over a breakup."
He means: "I plan to get over my breakup by dating lots of chicks."

9. He says: "I don't play games."
He means: "I'm a master at game playing, but I don't want you to play them."

10. He says: "I'll call you later."
He means: "I may or may not call you at some point between now and three months from now."

11. He says: "My ex is crazy."
He means: "I screwed her over, and she got upset."

12. He says: "I'm not good at relationships."
He means: "I don't think you're important enough for me to put in much effort."

13. He says: "Let's not rush into things."
He means: "I'm still deciding whether you're girlfriend material."

14. He says: "Your friend is great!"
He means: "If I weren't seeing you, I would go for your friend."


15. He says: "My family has been asking about you."
He means: "We are definitely a couple."

16. He says: "My friends loved you when they met you!"
He means: "I think I may love you too."

17. He says: "He seems like a good friend of yours."
He means: "Was there ever a thing between you?"

18. He says: "I'm sorry i haven't called."
He means: "I'm not sorry, but I don't want to deal wit your wrath."

19. He says: "I've never been with someone like you."
He means: "How did I manage to land you?"

20. He says: "My mom is like that around new people."
He means: "My mom isn't a fan of yours."

21. He says: "I'm not going to change."
He means: "I don't have the balls to break up with you, so I'm going to force you to dump me."

22. He says: "Seems like a lot of your friends are starting to get married and have kids."
He means: "Uh-oh, you're going to start freaking out soon."

Dude Behavior

23. He says: "I thought I knew her."
He means: "I was checking her out."

24. He says: "It's a guy thing."
He means: "If I tell you, you'll think I'm an animal."

25. He says: "It's a long story."
He means: "It's a story that makes me look bad."

26. He says: "I don't get why girls like him."
He means: "I'm feeling insecure, so say something reassuring."

27. He says: "I was good on boys' night."
He means: "Good is a relative term...but I didn't cheat on you."

28. He says: "My friend is so whipped!"
He means: "I'm a little hurt that my buddy is choosing a chick over me."


29. He says: "You look hot."
He means: "Can we have sex later?"

30. He says: "Isn't that a little revealing for girls' night?"
He means: "I don't want guys hitting on you."

31. He says: "Do I look okay?"
He means: "I'm not going to change, so this better be okay."

32. He says: "That's a new look."
He means: "You look weird."

33. He says: "I really like those shoes."
He means: "I am in so much trouble. I'd better make nice."

Serious Discussions

34. He says: "I just need some space."
He means: "I want out."

35. He says: "I didn't know it would upset you this much."
He means: "I knew it would upset you a little, and that's why I didn't tell you."

36. He says: "Don't you think that's a little bit unreasonable?"
He means: "You're off your rocker, lady."

37. He says: "Why are you being so emotional?"
He means: "Why are you acting like a psycho?"

38. He says: "Yeah, I guess you're right."
He means: "I disagree, but more than anything, I want to end this."

39. He says: "It's not a big deal."
He means: "It's a big deal, but I'm hoping I can fool you into thinking it's not."

40. He says: "That's not what I meant."
He means: "That's totally what I meant, but now that I see you're mad, I wish I hadn't said it out loud."

41. He says: "You're being such a girl."
He means: "I don't understand you at all."

42. He says: "It's fine."
He means: "It's not actually fine, but I'm in no mood to discuss it."

43. He says: "Can we talk about this later?"
He means: "I never want to talk about this again."


44. He says (in bed): "I love you."
He means: "I love the sex that I have with you."

45. He says: "I don't want the night to end. Want to hang out some more?"
He means: "Let's cut to the chase. Am I getting lucky tonight?"

46. He says: "How many guys have you been with?"
He means: "Tell me I'm the best you've had."

47. He says: "I don't masturbate all that often."
He means: "I masturbate more often than you wash your hands."

48. He says: "I want to watch you touch yourself."
He means: "I am having trouble figuring you out and need pointers."

49. He says: "Did you finish?"
He means: "I hope you finished, because I finished and, boy, am I sleepy!"

50. He says: "You've never done that before--where did you learn it?"
He means: "Have you been hooking up with other dudes?"

Taken from : Cosmopolitan Feb 09

Hate to admit, but I think most of them are trueeeee!!!

Hmmm.. # 1, 6, 7, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42.. BEEN THERE..*sigh*

Whoooops.. Wait.. #42.. been there, DONE THAT, actually.. =p

So how bout you?? Any..umm.. 'experiences', maybe, Girls?? Boys.. defense?? LOL..

Let's hear them out.. ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

you know, it's almost like... .

It's almost like you had it planned
It's like you smiled and shook my hand and said
"Hey, I'm about to screw you over big time"
And what was I supposed to do?
I was stuck in between you and hard place
We won't talk about the hard place

But I don't blame you anymore
That's too much pain to store
It left me half dead
Inside my head
And boy, looking back I see
I'm not the girl I used to be
When I lost my mind
It saved my life

It's how you wanted it to be
It's like you played a joke on me
And I lost a friend
In the end
And I think that I cried for days
But now that seems light years away
And I'm never going back
To who I was

Cause I don't blame you anymore
That's too much pain to store
It left me half dead
Inside my head
And boy, looking back I see
I'm not the girl I used to be
When I lost my mind
It saved my life

I think that I cried for days
But now that seems light years away
And I'm never going back
To who I was

Cause I don't blame you anymore
That's too much pain to store
It left me half dead
Inside my head
And boy, looking back I see
I'm not the girl I used to be
When I lost my mind
It saved my life

That life seems like light years away
Light years away
And that life seems like light years away
Light years away

(Light Years Away - Mozella)

There is definitely no other song that can possibly describe it all as perfect as this one, don't you think?

ps. I HEART Mozella so so so so MUCH.. Her voice simply blows my mind!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

a thank you note ^^

dear you,

Cuy, makasi yaaaaaaaa lo dateng ke Jakarta di saat yang sangat tepat.. Di saat gw sangat sangat sangat butuh lo.. Atau mungkin lebih tepatnya gw harus berterima kasih ke bos lo karena udah nugasin lo ke Jakarta di saat yang pas banget sahabatlo lagi 'ancur2an' di sini.. Hehehehe.. Ya ya ya gw tau lo dateng buat urusan kerja.. Ya ya ya.. gw tau lo dateng cuma dua hari doang.. (hiksss.. coba sampe Senin depaaan!!!)Tapi gw teramat sangat bersyukur bangeeetttttttt lo dateng.. Dan gw bisa ketemu lo.. Dan gw bisa 'numpahin' semuanya sama lo.. Dan as always, lo bisa buat gw senyum (bahkan ketawa), di tengah semua 'kekacauan' ini.. THANK YOU!!

It sucks big time that you live far far away.. I miss you a lottttt! Gw (dan nyokaplo.. dan oma lo.. hehe) berdoa gila2an biar lo bisa ditempatin di Jakarta lagi as soon as possible.. Amin amin amin aminnnnnn..

Love you so much, best friend!! *hugs*

Monday, March 2, 2009

Pick another song, Cupcake!

Lihatlah sebuah titik jauh di tengah laut
Makin lama makin jelas
bentuk rupanya
Itulah kapal api yang sedang berlayar
Asapnya yang putih mengepul di udara
(Kapal Api)

That was one of my favorite songs as a kid.. Damn I'm getting more and more disturbed seeing children singing adult songs these days. The time will come, Kiddos, when you can sing any song about love (between a man and a woman), cheating, heartbreak, separation, you name it. Trust me, the time will eventually come. Until then, can you please pick another song that's much more appropriate for your age, Sweeties?? Mommies, Daddies, Nannies, anyone out there.. can you help them out??? THANK YOU!

Friday, February 27, 2009

My bail is $295.. =p

I've been so swamped with works these days.. It gets more stessful by the day.. no.. by the minute!!! So here I am taking my ten minutes break, trying to put my mind on something else.. I first read this sort of "test" on my friend's facebook note, and I'm putting it on my blog now.. Let's see how much your bail is.. ;)

1) Smoked pot — $10

2) Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk –$50

3) Cheated on your significant other — $10

4) Been in love with two people or more at the same time — $50

5) Said you love someone but didn’t mean it — $25

6) Went streaking — $5

7) Went streaking in broad daylight — $15

Kissed a co-worker– $ 20

9) Kissed your boss –$50

10) Been arrested — $5

11) Spent time in jail — $15

12) Peed in the pool — $0.50

13) Played spin the bottle — $5

14) Done something you regret — $20

15) Slept with your best friend >– $20

16) Been in love with a stripper — $20

17) Went skinny dipping — $5

18) Been slapped– $5

19) Slapped someone– $5

20) Beat up someone — $20

21) Been jumped — $10

22) Ever had sex in a library — $25

23) Dated someone you met on My Space — $25

24) Cheated on test — $50

25) Vandalized something — $20

26) Slept with someone in your parents’ bed — $100

27) Crossed dressed — $10

28) Given money to stripper — $25

29) Flirted with an officer to get out of a ticket– $30

30) Been with someone 15 years younger — $90

31) Kissed some one who’s name you didn’t know –$10

32) Had sex while at work– $75

33) Ever drive drunk (you stupid ass) — $20

34) Used toys while having sex — $30

35) Got drunk, passed out and don’t remember the night before — $20

36) Had sex in a pool — $20

37) Masturbated — $.10 x each time

38) Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend –$20

39) Done oral — $5

40) Got oral — $5

41) Done / got oral in a car while it was moving– $65

42) Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you– $40

43) Stole something — $10

44) Slept with someone who has been in jail — $25

45) Made a dirty home video — $150

46) Published a dirty home video on the internet –$250

47) Had a threesome — $120

48) Had sex in a public place– $220

49) Been in the same room while someone was having sex — $25

50) Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars –$20

51) Had sex with someone 10 years older — $20

52) Kissed a teacher while you were still a student–$80

53) Lied to your mate — $5

54) Lied to your mate about the sex being good — $25

All you got to do is tally up your answers.. and that is how much your bail's worth..

TELL ME.. HAVE YOU BEEN BAD????? *evil grin*

Friday, February 20, 2009

sleeping beauty

Well.. well.. well..

it looks like somebody's getting a little too comfortable on my bed.. ;)

Sleep tight, baby.. Don't pee..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Are You Making Judgements.. or Being Judgemental??

Judgemental, prejudiced and biased individuals make far-reaching pronouncements based on limited information. We all know such people. Their false and extreme generalizations give them away. "Anyone who uses curse words is obviously stupid and uneducated!" "Rock-and-roll fans don’t know the first thing about music!" "People who don’t regularly attend religious services are heathens!"

Most people realize that being judgemental is an unattractive trait. If you look around, you’ll find that most judgemental people are disliked and avoided. The answer to Mom’s reproach, "Why don’t you call your mother more often?" if truthful would probably be, "Because you’re judgemental and tend to pick on me, so it’s unpleasant to talk to you." When people stop being judgemental, they often discover a level of personal happiness that had eluded them.

Yet none of us can help forming opinions of other people. So how does judgemental thinking differ from making judgements? Judgemental people state their views and observations in authoritative terms; they decree what is right and wrong, what should and should not be, what is good or bad. Making a simple judgement, however, does not carry these ominous overtones. "Billy has poor table manners" is a judgement. The judgemental person would add something, such as "Therefore, he’s a slob who was raised by cavemen!"

We make judgements constantly. "He’s good-looking." "She dresses well." "He seems to lack a good sense of humor." "She’s overweight."

In forming opinions or making judgements, there is no moral overtone, no further conclusions are drawn, no inferences are made about the person’s character. We just have the observation or the perception.

As soon as we add "therefore" to the observation, we are likely to be judgemental. "He talks very slowly," is an observation, "therefore, he must be stupid" is a judgemental conclusion.

If you look out for your own "therefores" you are less likely to sit in judgement over your fellow human beings, which will be all to the good for you and them.


Adapted from The 60-Second Shrink: 101 Strategies for Staying Sane in a Crazy World, by Arnold A. Lazarus, Ph.D. and Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D. Available at online and local bookstores or directly from Impact Publishers, Inc., PO Box 6016, Atascadero, CA 93423-6016. Phone 1-800-246-7228.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Was it you? Screaming out inside my head
Enormously loud but I could barely hear
Painful as if it were poisoning my blood
Desperate like there were no such thing as an end
Earthbound as all angels lost their wings

Was it you? Crawling in the dimness of my consciousness
Craving to be seen
Exhausted from the fight with the beast inside
Torn as the whiteflag I once refused to raise
Trembling but unwilling to surrender

Was it you?
Are you still there?
or have you given up?
I’ve made peace with myself
Are you still there?

-Jatinangor, April 22, 2006-

Saturday, February 7, 2009

let me tell you how it feels

it feels


standing in line for a day, all psyched,

to get Alanis Morissette ticket

and two minutes after you had finally got it

they told you

that the concert got cancelled


Friday, February 6, 2009

Sara Melson - Never Been Hurt Before

This song has a magical healing power for me.. I love her voice as well..

Thursday, February 5, 2009

doubutsu uranai thingy.. (hmm, whatever that means =p)



  • You are Blue Panther, who is cheerful, lively and light hearted person.
  • You can keep reason and emotion at a good balance.
  • You are gentle and peaceful too.
  • You have deep and wide relationships with people, and there are some whom you would have a long relationship with.
  • You possess fashionable sense and are well dressed that make people turn around in the street.
  • You are not good at objective way of thinking.
  • You rely on your preferences, and the instinct of that moment.
  • Therefore you cannot accumulate plans.
  • You are also weak on making quick solutions and coming out with conclusions through careful and strict analysis.
  • You tend to not be able to find your life objective.
  • You find your objective through the situation you are in, and by the support of the people around you.
  • This makes your life divide into two sections, and there may be a possibility that you may lead a totally different life.
  • You are extremely sensitive and possess natural sense of instinct.
  • You think too much about people's opinion, and are always feeling unsettled.
  • You are a romantic sort of person in that you lead your life according to your beliefs rather than depending on talent and capability.
  • Even after you get married, you should keep your career that requires your good fashion sense.
  • You will be a good but rather obstinate wife and a mother.

Get yours here.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

sakit =,(

Hari ini tepar sajaaaaa di rumah. Hiks. Penyebabnya adalah hal2 di bawah ini:

  • First day of my period, yang seperti biasa "dimeriahkan" dengan cramp super duper dahsyat bikin gw guling2an di tempat tidur seharian. Posisi kayak gimanapun salaaaaah aja bawaannya. Gw iriiiiiiiiii sama cw2 yang nyantai2 aja klo lagi having period!!! Period gw hampir selalu diramaikan dengan cramp yang gila2an sampe suka ga bisa ngapa2in gitu.. Dokter gw sih nyaranin untuk check ke spesialis obsgyn.. Tapi gw takuuuuuuutt.. Huhuhu..
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Beuhhh. Nyiksa bangeeeeetttt rasanyaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :(
  • Fever. Last time I got checked, it was 39.5 degree Celcius.

Sudah minum 3 macam obat plus satu vitamin. So far sudah mendingan walaupun masih menunggu obatnya bekerja penuh (
come on, hurry please!!!). Maunya sih tidur biar sakitnya ga terasa. Tapiiiii, seharian ini udah tidur LUMAYAN banyak, jadi sekarang ga ngantuk sama skali.. :,(


Get well soon, Me!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

do nothing, please..

I didn't start all of this, you know..

I didn't.

I barely even knew you.

So.. let's just go back to where we did not know each other.

Everything was perfectly fine before the whole
you're-trying-to-be-"nice"- to-me scenario, remember? Didn't anyone tell you that your little trick was such a lame-o, girly girl? Oh,well..

I admit, I was a bit pissed off.

But hey, I moved on.

And now..

I don't give a tiny rat's ass about you, dear..

I really don't.

And if I removed you from my friends list, that's because, let's face it,
we're never friends.

As simple as that. Is it too hard for your pretty little head to understand, huh?

Do nothing would be your smartest move.

Do nothing.


Can you do that instead of adding me back over and over again (even after I ignored you)?

Can you do that, dear?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

lagi lagi..


Lagi-lagi blog baru.

Entah berapa blog udah gw buat (dan kemudian tinggalkan) dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Dari jaman masih pake seragam putih abu-abu lengkap dengan kisah cinta berjuta rasa khas abg labil. Jaman awal kuliah dengan euphoria nya sendiri. Jaman patah hati dan (sok) gak percaya sama yang namanya cinta. Jaman jatuh cinta (lagi). Kemudian jatuh (lagi). And the list goes on and on and on and on.

Yup, that's me..
Si anget-anget tai ayam, my mom calls me. =p

Dan hari ini, blog baru lagi.

Apakah akan bertahan atau bernasib sama seperti blog-blog gw sebelumnya?

Let's just wait and see.. (and hope ;) )