Thursday, April 29, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
the same deep water as you
BROOKE: "Listen, I know it’s been difficult for you lately, losing Keith and your heart condition and giving up basketball.. I feel like I’ve been keeping you close to me to try to protect you from those things.. like I’m hanging on to the two of us for you..but not for me."
LUCAS: "I’m sorry I kissed Peyton.. I should’ve told you."
BROOKE: "It’s not about that, Luke.. It’s not.. I thought that it was but this is not about her this is about me.. I love you, Lucas and I probably always will.. But we go days without having a meaningful conversation.. and I used to miss you so much when that happened.. But it never seemed like you missed me and I guess because of it I stopped missing you.. I mean, look at today.."
LUCAS: (v.o) I guess I should’ve said something, anything, I mean, for a guy who wants to be a writer it suddenly seemed like no words had ever been written.. but when someone tells you they stopped missing you.. you’re pretty much screwed no matter what you say.
BROOKE: "There was an accident and you..called me afterwards.. But making a mix with Peyton? Sharing a laugh with Peyton.. It shouldn’t be, should it?"
BROOKE: "..shouldn’t be like this, Luke."
LUCAS: "Brooke.."
BROOKE: "I’m sorry.. I can’t do this anymore."
LUCAS: (v.o) See but there had to be something, right? Something that no one had ever said in the history of the world.. something that could change this.
LUCAS: "Brooke.. I’m sorry."
BROOKE: Yeah, me, too.
Whoa.. It breaks my heart.
Posted by nisaalattas at 2:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Couldn't take a plane so I hopped a train
I'd like to stay, in a stormy winters day
so I'll come back to you someday
As the states rolled by
its all so clear
I'm everywhere but never right here
It's always the same
constant change.
But I'll come back to you someday
So close so far
so long the world
spin me away
I drive all night just to see your face
The way you touch the way you taste
Even if only for a day
I'll come back to you someday
I speak the truth its all i know
As your tears fall to the snow
and we both know
That tonight I can't say that I'll come back to you someday
Thursday, April 22, 2010
blast from the past
“Aku adalah perempuan yang menghitamkan pelangi, yang merubah sayap cantik kupu-kupu menjadi seonggok debu. Menghancurkan semua yang pernah kusentuh, meluruh bersama guyuran hujan. Aku adalah dosa yang membayangi kemana kaki melangkah. Menyesakkan setiap milimeter ruang dalam paru-paru yang berusaha menghirup udara. Adakah aku layak bertahan dalam hidup, yang bukan milikku, yang bukan untukku.
Pernah singgah masa dimana aku merasa merajai dunia. Melihat semua warna-warni yang pernah dibuat Sang Maha Pencipta. Meraba seluruh permukaan halus sempurna yang terpahat pada setiap sudut waktu. Ketika itu aku merasa bumi terlalu sederhana untuk dipijak. Gravitasi tidak lagi menarik hatiku karena ia dapat mengepakkan sayap nya terbang bebas, kapan saja ia mau, kemanapun ia suka. Mengapa harus memaksa kaki melangkah jika hanya dengan satu jentikan jemari aku dapat melayang ringan, menjelajahi ruang dan waktu. Mengapa harus menahan senyum saat aku bisa tertawa, terbahak-bahak memamerkan keceriaan. Mengapa harus memejamkan mata saat aku dapat terjaga memandang hamparan keindahan yang terbentang luas, tanpa batas.
Namun sungguh kesempurnaan bukan lah sesuatu yang sempurna karena ia tak dapat tergenggam selamanya. Bukan berupa gumpalan zat padat yang dapat kudekap erat dekat dengan debaran jantungku. Bukan pula cairan yang dapat kuteguk untuk selamanya mengalir dalam darah. Ia bahkan lebih ringan dari udara. Tak terlihat. Tak tergenggam. Hanya terhirup sesaat untuk kemudian terhembus pergi.
Aku telah merasakan remuk redam. Menjadi serpihan tipis yang melayang tak tertangkap oleh sepasang mata manapun. Dunia tempat kaki ini biasa berpijak seketika meluruh ke kedalaman tanpa dasar. Menyisakan lubang hitam menganga tanpa sejentik pun cahaya. Dan aku, sang serpihan tak berbentuk, terus saja melayang-layang di dalamnya. Semakin dalam. Semakin gelap. Semakin aku melawan naik, semakin jauh aku terhisap ke dalamnya. Maka kupasrahkan diriku tanpa daya. Aku berdamai dengan gelap. Aku bersahabat dengan sunyi. Dan aku meratap bersama ia yang lebih pekat dari hitam, lebih legam dari malam. Ia lah sang duka.
Sang duka mengajarkanku menangis, dan ia memperkenalkan aku pada air mata. Sungguh janggal bagiku merasakan butir-butirnya meleleh dari sudut mata, menjalari pipi, dan kemudian meninggalkan kecupan di bibirku. Kecupan yang sesekali masih terasa, meski masa datang silih berganti.”
I wish I could just erase all of those dark and painful memories. If only I could just drop them, leave them behind and never look back. But that's the thing about memories, they stay with you for as long as you live. Just like a glimpse of the beautiful ones can still make you giggle or smile goonily, a flash of the painful ones still hurts.
Posted by nisaalattas at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: blah
Monday, April 19, 2010
at the risk of being cheesy..
Posted by nisaalattas at 3:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: blah, insomnia, quote of the day
Friday, April 16, 2010
bold what applies to you, or so I was told
Posted by nisaalattas at 3:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2010
i don't
Posted by nisaalattas at 10:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: blah
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Posted by nisaalattas at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2010
(those aren't) Happy Tears
Posted by nisaalattas at 12:38 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easy.. =)
Posted by nisaalattas at 12:53 AM 0 comments