Friday, December 8, 2006

me.. and my so-damn-sexy voice...

woke up this morning with this kinda voice.. hiks.. yeah, i've got flue.. and it's not like i don't know how i get that.. the weather's been awful lately.. very sunny and dry in the day and then non-stop heavy rain in the night.. there are so many people i know who're getting sick from this kinda weather..

for those whose voices sound just as sexy as mine.. for those who sneeze.. for those who've got red noses.. i send you my biggest simphaty.. heheheh.. GET WELL SOON!!!!


Anonymous December 8, 2006 at 1:31 PM  

cepet sembuh ya Nis...
istirahat yg cukup,mkn obat yg teratur, jgn keseringan begadang, apalagi sering keluar malem...
g enak kan jd g bisa beraktifitas gara2 sakit..
maaf ya ak kalo agak cerewet...

niSa..--<---<@ December 10, 2006 at 7:17 PM  

makasi.. i'm all better now..