Friday, December 15, 2006

me.. talking about my baby..

I'm so excited that i'm gonna spend this weekend in Jakarta.. I miss everything back home.. I guess it's a good thing to come home for a while in the middle of my hectic schedules, hope it'll recharge my spirit.. hehehe..

One of the things I hate from living away from home is that I can't be around my baby.. Yea, I've had a baby.. hehehe.. Her name is Nonie.. She's my beloved grey-white angora cat.. I’ve had her since she was a 3 month-old kitten.. She’s a big girl now, 5 years old on last November 16, although sometimes she acts as if she were a kitten… Well, she’s more than just a cat to me, she’s my bestfriend, she’s my baby, she’s definitely a part of my family… So sad I couldn’t be home celebrating her birthday last month.. So this post is dedicated for my Nonie…

Nonie Loves:
Cheese (can’t get enough of it)
Any kind of meat
Any kind of fish (as long as it’s not salted)
Ice Cream (especially chocolate and vanilla)
KFC (even just the smell drives her crazy)
Iced tea (odd cat…huhuhu)
Drinking from the sink
Scratching couches (makes my mom pissed)
Being spoiled
Sitting on the roof at night (seducing my neighbour’s cat..hehe)
Being scratched on her neck
Hiding in closet, cabinet, cupboard, anything with doors.. beloved Nonie...

Nonie Hates:
Being yelled at (believe it or not, she usually yells back..)
Spicy foods
Umbrella (dunno why)
Little kids (she hides from them everytime)
Being alone
Big rats (actually, she’s embarassingly afraid of them.. hehehe)
Riding in car
Her vitamins

I guess that's all for now about my Nonie.. more post about her in the future.. MIAOW..


Nita January 2, 2007 at 10:23 PM  

Hi Nisa,
Makasih udah mampir ke blog gw :)

Waaakkksss cute cat!!! I LOOOVVEEE CATS... they're so adorable!! Gw juga punya satu dirumah. Nicknick is her name :)